To the girl and the boy it is their history. A piece of their childhood that they wanted to take with them. Would you begrudge them that? Is the mere price of a new door too much for you to bear? Or is it the outrage that I would dare to remove the door to preserve my children's history? Either way - How sad for you if that is your truth.
You are having your own kids now. Get back to me in 18 years and look me in the face while you tell me that you would not have taken the door with you. I doubt you will be able to do so.
just un-fucking-believable.
even after being told how important the measurements were to the kids, he is still fussing about that damn door.
the growth chart of the kids he abandoned. He can't even give them that. I mean seriously, how expensive can a door be? I understand that the intention was always to replace the door and that this was explained to him. He was still upset. wow.
I will give them that door. I will buy a new one that the guys can install.
I want it known that this new guy in their lives, from way up here, understands what this door means to them and that I care enough to make sure they have it in their lives.
It's a freaking door, give the kids their door...gah,
go to Home Hardware or whatever you have down there you cheap Jackhole, maybe when your new twin set mark up the NEW door it won't be so bad...
People, not my most favourite of animals....
That'll be all....
Hey I çan chip in with Rudy for a new damn door.
It'[s always the little things that screw up the relationships... they don't get it. Money is more important than sentiment and history of the kids lives...
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