Thursday, September 11

well. well. well.

and on your anniversary no less?
What's up with that?

that is all.


Anonymous said...

I guess some people have nothing better to do in their lives than worry about what other people are doing.
That speaks to insecurity I guess. LOTS of insecurity.

Anonymous said...

my advice would be to spend the time and energy checking up where it is really warranted... zebra not changing it's spots and all that.

maybe the X still has a thing for you b LMAO ew, gag sputter

Anonymous said...

that had to be Lily... she has this friend who mixes up zebras and leopards... but ... point well made! LOL

He still LOVES you...... in a married for the second time and having MORE babies at nearly senior citizen discount age. hee hee.
naughty me.

See ya elsewhere!