Thirteen Opposite Attractions.
- mac/pc
- dogs/cats
- night/morning
- weird food/normal food
- hot/cold
- man/woman
- irish whiskey/tequila
- vikings fan/ cowboys fan
- blind without glasses/ only slightly blind
- snores like a wildebeest/ cute snore
- frozen land/ left of hell
- oldest child/ middle child
- decaf/caffeine
hmm wonder which are the weird things! I've never heard a wildebeest but no doubt it is related to the SU.
I'm not sure that tequila is opposite to whiskey. I'd say *water* fell into that category... but I get the point! (-:
cute 13.
I got nuthin so far!
"T says...." wonder which are the weird things!"
LOL! It depends on which of us you talk to. I have been teasing Rudy lately about how our relationship could be considered a *mixed marriage* of sorts {and no there is no engagement} because he is a mac/dog/night person and I am a pc/cats/morning person. We were having a bit of fun with the conversation and went on to make our list of *opposites*. And {errr..Our} t-13 was born.
Happy Thursday!
~ b
Well Opposites DO attract, no matter the LDR...
Happy Thursday to you too!
Yeah, opposites attract... then drive each other nuts for the rest of their lives LMAO
Still, I wouldn't want a carbon copy of me - what fun would there be in that? After a while, "yes, you are right again" gets boring LOL
It isn't complete opposites
I do get along with her cats very well, I just don't own any myself.
I have to use a pc to play games with my son and hers.
I do drink tequila (especially since being introduced to ciclon)
I drink caffeine - in the mornings
I will watch a cowboys game with a cowboys fan. Just remember the razzing is all in good fun. Don't take it personally.
And I don't snore. I staid up all night once and didn't hear a thing!
Oh, and germans pickle anything and everything. That doesn't make it weird. One has to question just how much german heritage you really have.... LOL
ha! word ver is cjobmul. c job is that anything like a b job? LMAO
"Rudy said...I do get along with her cats very well, I just don't own any myself."
One of my cats is a complete traitor. He will walk over me to get to Rudy. wtf IS that? LOL!
and pickling, honey. no. Just NO! And leave my german heritage out of this.
and yeah. You DO snore. Goodness. Don't make me tape you cuz I will. You know I will. heh!
and about that whole carbon copy thing...well....thats just creepy when you really think about it. *giggle*
~ b
p.s. I believe the countdown is less than 12 hours now. YaY!
I WILL take the ciclon credit Rudy! Glad you enjoy it. Pickles.. a Ukrainian thing too. dill and garlic none of those sweet things. but Then again, I don't have to listen to you snore! ducking.
Seriously. There are times when I am surprised that you CAN'T hear him snoring even as far away as you live. *giggle*
{just kidding, honey. I sleep just fine even with the herd of wildebeest in the room.}
~ b
Not pickles (although they count) picklED - as in herring, saurkraut, beets etc
I am now officially on vacay
I told you I never heard a thing, all night.
and YOU are the one who has woken yourself up, not me Hee Hee Hee
yum! pickled herring (with sour cream) and sauerkraut in a ruben sandwich. beets.. so so... LOL
Happy vacation! Again.. I hear it's seriously HOT left of hell! Seriously says my pal in the OC!
didn't you just HAVE a vacay?
just askin!
they are lowering the temps 25 degrees just for me :-) for 5 days only then it heads back up to 100
I have never had pickled herring AND sauerkraut in the same sandwich before. I will have to give that a try. I usually get the wine sauce. It has been a while since I got the cream.
I love eggs pickled with beet juice. Yummy, purple eggs LOL (I think I just heard blondie gag and throw up a bit in her mouth)
couldn't get anyone to try the pickled herring while I was down for Thanksgiving. Probably time for a fresh jar since I am the only one that eats them LOL
~ b
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