Wednesday, May 21

Wordless Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Love the reflection of the camera in the door handle....

It is a door handle isn't it?


blondie said...

I loved finding that reflection when I uploaded the photo onto my computer. It was a fun surprise.

It is indeed a door handle. I was sitting in my car waiting for the kid to get out of school. I just bought a new {pink} camera and was playing around with the macro setting. As soon as I saw the photo I knew I had my wordless for the week. When I showed the kid my macro photos later he saw this one and said "ooooh - wordless wednesday." He was so right!

I am loving my new camera and can't wait to play with it a bit more. Who knows what I will come up with next.

~ b

Anonymous said...

way too cool! I'm totally jealous!
I need to take my camera out with me!
well done girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

New camera is small enough to fit in my purse. {well, my new purse. I had to upgrade cuz new camera plus old purse did not equal a happy blondie.} This way I can take my camera with me. I can't tell you how many times I have thought "well crap, if only I had my camera..." Now I will have it.

Oh the photos you will see....

~ b

p.s. This is the camera. PowerShot Digital Elph. If you mouse over, mine is Pink Melody. {I know. BIG surprise that it is pink. HUGE! heh!}

Rudy said...

Cool picture. That macro-focus works really well.

and of course it is pink. I believe you are totally accessorized in pink now - cell phone, camera, ipod, nds. What could be next?

Looking forward to more pics.

Anonymous said...

"and of course it is pink. I believe you are totally accessorized in pink now - cell phone, camera, ipod, nds. What could be next?"

Well honey...we did recently discuss the dell inspiron that now comes in....yes...PINK!

just sayin.

~ b

Rudy said...

Windoze?!? gah

The macbook comes in pink too yanno....

We'll look into that after I get the deck refurbished.

A gal has to have a stylin' notebook to go to school with :-)

Anonymous said...

The macbook comes in pink with an "and a hundred million dollars too" pricetag.

plus I know how to use a pc.


~ b

Rudy said...

I was just at the dell site. By the time you add things to the basic unit to bring it up the mac specs the price isn't all that different.

And as you know of my recent experiences with my pc vs my macs. Macs just work. period.

And you don't know how to use Vista. Working with vista on mom and dad's computer was annoying. Rod said it would be easier for me since I didn't know XP as well as he did. HA!

Still, if a pink inspiron is what my baby wants, that is what she'll get. And it will still choke transferring large files LOL

blondie said...

LMAO! It is that custom paintjob that the macbook will need that takes it over the top. {that being said it is such a pretty custom paint job that I do still go visit the site just to drool. heh!} Inspiron charges a mere $25 to send it out in pink from the get go.

pc. {*giggle*}

I didn't know how to use XP when that came out either. Now I do. In fact I believe I showed you how to do something XP related just the other day.

and I blame your slow weirdo interwebs connections for the choking, btw.

~ b

Rudy said...

My interwebs have nothing to do with you needing to reboot when you try to get anything larger than a song from my iDisk.

It will just take it longer to get to that point when your pc comes to visit my lan. :-)

blondie said...


Anonymous said...

NOW kids! rolls eyes. MAC PC like arguing religion. Better not to try and convert. Doesn't work
Now.. what's this about school? Do tell!