Sunday, April 27

that's what she said.


Anonymous said...

She looks like me in the morning!!


Anonymous said...

okay what is with blogger and wordver,,,,gah, I need better glasses to read that crap....

Anonymous said...

I hear ya regarding that stupid word ver. I told Rudy last night that I felt I needed my readers just to post a comment anymore not because I can't type it out but because word ver has gotten so weird and annoying. Seriously. It should not take me 4 or 5 tries to post one little comment.


~ b

Rudy said...

oy join the crowd. Everyone is having trouble deciphering the new visual clue.

sipping a home made snickers mocha at the moment. mmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

I am now strictly decaf... had a headache for about two days after I quit but now, I am caffeine free
grande decaf vanilla latte type girl!

Anonymous said...

Decaf? No, no. It's dangerous to dilute my caffeine stream.


How is your weekend?

~ b

Anonymous said...

DECAF??? Yikes, just strain some dirt through the filter...blah....

It's "real" or nothing...oh, did I say "nothihg"


~ l

Rudy said...

my headache did not subside after only two days. I just decided to limit myself.

I have cut way back from say 6 years ago. I have a mug on the drive in. More during the day on weekends or with blondie. Iused to drink a whole pot a day.

As long as I don't drink coffee too close to bed.

Anonymous said...

weekend was good. I did some scrap booking with the girls - dinner included - and saw the daughter who is doing well. Up date should be up soon enough.
Great weather too. Windows WIIIIIIIDE open in the car with Melissa Etheridge tunes.
Tomorrow it gets cool again.
and - I don't miss the caffeine at all anymore. Still need a coffee in the AM, but no jitters or anything like that any longer. I don't drink black tea any more either. Chamomile kind of girl these days.

BUT have not given up alcohol - that would be ridiculous!