Saturday, April 26

mean and smelly, too.


Rudy said...

she is just venting cuz I am planning to spoil her and won't tell her about the surprises

hee hee hee

Anonymous said...

shut UP!

you mean boy, you.


~ b

Anonymous said...

Back the surprise bus up there, Mr.

plural? as in more than one?


I am going to throw a kicky-kacky. It won't be pretty.


~ b

Anonymous said...

breath Blonde One, Breathe.

You have no control over surprises so just breath - and


there. Feel Better?
but throwing coconuts no so bad some days. I may have to join you at that game

Anonymous said...

He taunts me, T.

How is that nice?

He is mean and smelly and I shall throw coconuts at him.


and as far as word ver goes. I dunno but it is totally working my last nerve today. I am lucky to get it right on the 3rd or 4th try.

~ b

Rudy said...

I will make pina colladas with the coconuts. ha!

taunt, tease, building anticipation and excitement. All in how you look at it.

She will squeal with delight and all will be forgiven. Taunts will be forgotten.

It is going to be grand I tell you. Grand!!

is that more taunting?
heh heh heh