Tuesday, April 22

Happy Birthday, Rebel!

Dearest Rebel, our darling girl,
The Good Lord has blessed you on your 20th birthday beyond measure. We praise Him for His graciousness and ask that He continue to bless you as you heal and start your new life with your new heart. God has good things planned for you, sweet girl.
Happiest of Birthdays!

with love,
~ blondie & Rudy

The latest:

"The perfusionist came with the charge nurse from the ward around 7 AM to tell us that she was `going like a pony!` At this moment she is still in the OR as they are waiting to ensure all the bleeding subsides and that all continues to go well. So we now want to ensure that that her body doesn't reject the heart. All seems to be going very well."

Please continue to pray for our girl and her recovery and healing. Remember the donor family in your prayers as they have given the most precious gift of life even as they have lost their most precious gift.
Thank you so much.
~ blondie


Anonymous said...

We are all so excited here!

I'm updating my page as well, the more who can pray with us the better!


Anonymous said...

she's doing great! The breathing tube was removed mid afternoon, she even sat up on the side of the bed and was talking away even with a sore throat. Her heart rate and blood pressure are fantastic.
Prayers from all corners have clearly helped make a difference.
thank you

Anonymous said...


Fabulous news! Just fabulous.

God is so good. We praise Him.

love and hugs,
~ b