I can only hope to get through spring and summer first. It's only 128 days until the opening game after all.
You people are lucky I didn't stage my entire Sun Devils collection for the photo. I do have some very nice additions that my sweetie surprised me with last month. It could be that the surprises only served to fuel my itch. heh heh!
Go Devils!
~ b
p.s. drinking my coffee out of my Devil's mug today.
There is the draft this weekend. I was fixing to hit the vikes page and check up on the prospects. I am thinking QB should be near the top of the list LOL
ROFL!!! Count down has started I see... for me this means you're bypassing summer and heading right back into Winter! GAH!
I got itchy. Found Sun Devils season tickets order form in my email this week. I got's the fever, girlfriend.
Plus there is the draft this weekend.
Don't worry. I won't become TOO obsessed until end of summer. {hopefully} heh heh.
~ b
Let's just get through spring and summer first, LOL...
I can only hope to get through spring and summer first. It's only 128 days until the opening game after all.
You people are lucky I didn't stage my entire Sun Devils collection for the photo. I do have some very nice additions that my sweetie surprised me with last month. It could be that the surprises only served to fuel my itch. heh heh!
Go Devils!
~ b
p.s. drinking my coffee out of my Devil's mug today.
Hey, won't "Donald" get jealous??
Uh oh, did I start something? LOL
nah, it was already there.
I am glad you liked the additions.
I wore my sparky T-shirt yesterday :-)
There is the draft this weekend. I was fixing to hit the vikes page and check up on the prospects. I am thinking QB should be near the top of the list LOL
I love the smell of football!
just saying.
~ b
I will have to rub myself with a football before we get together again and see if you can resist.
~ b
or maybe you will take that football to bed with you when I am not there since it would smell like me...
I believe I've said it before...
good thing your ears are nice and clean. We can conduct an ENT exam with this photo... EEEEEWWWWW did I say that out loud?!?!?!
ducking and running.... LOL!!!!
that's funny!
But T. We have a room{s}. Problem is that they are 16000 miles away.
heh heh.
~ b
I like T's idea of sharing a room better heh
move over, I'm a crawling in ;-)
can you leave the herd of wildebeests at home, pls?
~ b
i just wanted #16.
complete package babes, good bad and ugly
and noisy.
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