Tuesday, July 1


  1. cake ~
  2. better ~
  3. full ~
  4. 18 ~
  5. reality ~
  6. maroon ~
  7. degrees ~
  8. bring ~
  9. that's ~
  10. frosting ~


blondie said...

1. cake ~ mania {i am SO addicted!}
2. better ~ late than never.
3. full ~ of shit.
4. 18 ~ how is that possible?
5. reality ~ bites
6. maroon ~ and gold {i bleed it}
7. degrees ~ 117
8. bring ~ IT!
9. that's ~ so sad.
10. frosting ~ on the cake.

Rudy said...

1. cake ~ Birthday!
2. better ~ need to feel __
3. full ~ throttle
4. 18 ~ years old
5. reality ~ check, yours bounced
6. maroon ~ and gold, the season is approaching
7. degrees ~ 117, that is frickin' hot, I don't care who you are
8. bring ~ a hoodie or 3 LOL
9. that's ~ the fact jack!
10. frosting ~ red perhaps?

Anonymous said...

# cake ~ chocolate
# better ~ business bureau
# full ~ count
# 18 ~ dirty old man at work
# reality ~ is a MF
# maroon ~ In the words of Bugs" "What a maroon"
# degrees ~ of freedom
# bring ~ it on home (Led Zepellin style)
# that's ~ entertainment
# frosting ~ chocolate (for the chocolate cake)

Anonymous said...

1. cake ~ mania (OY!)
2. better ~ later than never
3. full ~ throttle
4. 18 ~ and legal!
5. reality ~ bites!
6. maroon ~ Whatta maroon! (LOL)
7. degrees ~ six of them separate
8. bring ~ it on home (rockin it)
9. that's ~ kkrrrraaaazzzzzeeee
10. frosting ~ on the cake!

I forgot it was Tuesday - holiday mode will do that I guess! (-:

Lily on the Road said...

1. cake ~ and eat it too!
2. better ~ later than never
3. full ~ bore
4. 18 ~ and I like it!
5. reality ~ bites!
6. maroon ~ burgundy?
7. degrees ~ college?
8. bring ~ me some 'luv'n....geez, where did that come from?
9. that's ~ just nuts!
10. frosting ~ on the cake!

Hope you're getting ready for your long weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

1. cake ~ upside down pineapple rum...
2. better ~ you...you...you bet (Townsend)
3. full ~ empty
4. 18 ~ men on a dead man's chest... yo ho ho! and a bottle of rum! (forget the 18 men and the chest LOL)
5. reality ~ what a concept! (Williams at his best)
6. maroon ~ what a...! (Bunny)
7. degrees ~ six...of separation (Spike)
8. bring ~ beer
9. that's ~ amore! (Dino)
10. frosting ~ vanilla...on chocolate cake

Anonymous said...

Gimmme Some Lovin' is Spinal Tap - could that be it?

Rudy said...

There is red frosting!

I knew there would be :-)

Anonymous said...

Rudy said...There is red frosting!

I knew there would be :-)

LMAO! Someone had a sneak peek and is telling tales. HA!


blondie said...

Fun Times on the Word{s} game today.
Thanks for playing my silly game.

See ya on Friday for the Feast!

~ blondie

blondie said...


for those who didn't get a chance to play...you were missed. Hope to see you back playing soon.

~ b