Friday, July 11


Appetizer ~
What kind of grill do you use. Charcoal or gas?

Soup ~
Do you live in the same area in which you were born?

Salad ~
What kind of spider climbed up the water spout in the childrens song? Eeensy Weensy or Itsy Bitsy?

Main Dish ~
True or False: Once a cheater, always a cheater.

Dessert ~
When was the last time your interwebs connection was fubar? How long was it so? How did you cope?


blondie said...

Appetizer ~
What kind of grill do you use. Charcoal or gas?

I have both and if it is just me I use the gas grill. {when it has propane, of course} Grilling for myself and the kid is always fun with the charcoal grill and we often make s'mores for dessert using the coals to toast the marshmallows.

Soup ~
Do you live in the same area in which you were born?

I was born in Massachusetts and being an air force brat I moved more times than I care to think about. Until daddy retired the longest I spent in any one area was 4 years.

Salad ~
What kind of spider climbed up the water spout in the childrens song? Eeensy Weensy or Itsy Bitsy?

I believe it was an Itsy Bitsy spider.

Main Dish ~
True or False: Once a cheater, always a cheater.

True. I believe that once a person crosses over that line it makes it easier to do so again.

Dessert ~
When was the last time your interwebs connection was fubar? How long was it so? How did you cope?

Yesterday. This morning. {probably this afternoon too the way things have been going} I doubt it is fixed so I hope this *fix* lasts until I get this comment posted. I coped by phoning my firewall guy yesterday. {hi honey} He talked me down off the ledge. This morning I booted and rebooted until something finally worked. GAH! I have had enough of this nitwittery!

Anonymous said...

Appetizer ~
We use a gas grill.

Soup ~
I was born a long time ago in a far away place far away from here.

Salad ~
The ITSY BITSY spider climbed up the water spout...

Main Dish ~
Once a cheater, always a cheater? It depends on the person and the circumstances. So, not always True and not always False.

Dessert ~
A few months ago was the last time there was trouble with the web connection and it was just for a short time - maybe an hour.

Anonymous said...

Appetizer ~
What kind of grill do you use. Charcoal or gas?
No grills allowed at this stupid crappy apartment complex, so it's gas at parent's and charcoal at friends, but when I move, I'm totally going gas!

Soup ~
Do you live in the same area in which you were born?
Not for much longer...

Salad ~
What kind of spider climbed up the water spout in the childrens song? Eeensy Weensy or Itsy Bitsy?
GEEZ! It's Eensy Weensy Spider and Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini (Bryan Hyland)

Main Dish ~
True or False: Once a cheater, always a cheater.
False, but most likely.

Dessert ~
When was the last time your interwebs connection was fubar? How long was it so? How did you cope?
I can't actually remember - it's been a long time. But it will be down indefinitely soon as I move and there is no cable run to the house yet to replace it, so I will be relying on coffee houses with wireless and electrical to plug in this rickety old POS laptop...

Anonymous said...

Appetizer ~
What kind of grill do you use. Charcoal or gas?
charcoal for now, but will be getting a gas bq soon I hope!

Soup ~
Do you live in the same area in which you were born?


Salad ~
What kind of spider climbed up the water spout in the childrens song? Eeensy Weensy or Itsy Bitsy?

Itsy Bitsy,

Main Dish ~
True or False: Once a cheater, always a cheater.

True, you can't change the spots on a Zebra!! LMAO

Dessert ~
When was the last time your interwebs connection was fubar? How long was it so? How did you cope?

every other day, depends on how the wind blows. I give up pour a glass of wine and read a book.

Have a GREAT weekend!!!

Rudy said...

Appetizer ~
What kind of grill do you use. Charcoal or gas?

I have charcoal grills. In "the pit" we use wood. I think that grilling is a social event as well as a method of cooking. Nothing like sharing company and a BEvERage with the smell of wood smoke and tasty meats adrift in the air. I have to admit that I have entertained the idea of a small gas grill for just myself because without the company it is a lot of effort for a single meal. Don't tell my brothers though cuz I razz them mercilessly about staying in the kitchen if you want to cook with gas LOL

Soup ~
Do you live in the same area in which you were born?

No, I was born and raised in central WI. Since then I have criss crossed the nation.

Salad ~
What kind of spider climbed up the water spout in the childrens song? Eeensy Weensy or Itsy Bitsy?

It was an Itsy Bitsy spider.

Main Dish ~
True or False: Once a cheater, always a cheater.

True. I believe that it is part of a persons character. I also agree with blondie that once a person crosses over that line it makes it easier to do so again.

Dessert ~
When was the last time your interwebs connection was fubar? How long was it so? How did you cope?

I don't remember when the last time was that it was out and everything else wasn't out due to a power outage. It happens often enough that it isn't noticed any more. When it happens anymore I just call my funny little honey on the phone.

Anonymous said...

Appetizer ~
What kind of grill do you use. Charcoal or gas?
Grill? I live in the fricken water!!!

Soup ~
Do you live in the same area in which you were born?
Yes. I live on the earth where I was born.

Salad ~
What kind of spider climbed up the water spout in the childrens song? Eeensy Weensy or Itsy Bitsy?

Main Dish ~
True or False: Once a cheater, always a cheater.
False for some. Probably true for most.

Dessert ~
When was the last time your interwebs connection was fubar? How long was it so? How did you cope?
Fubar is a strong word. My connection suffers from an inconsistent signal. I cope. I watch a movie or read a book when it is really effed up.