Wednesday, June 18

Wordless Wednesday.


Rudy said...

Resistance is futile.

You have been assimilated.

hmmmm I feel the need to nibble on something.....

Anonymous said...

careful. Sounds like Rudy has blue tooth envy! He's gonna chew through that thing, and no one will hear anything! again!

Blue tooth queen. What? they didn't have it available in PINK?


blondie said...

t says...."What? they didn't have it available in PINK?"

They did have it in pink but it wasn't the same pink as my phone. Plus I got a pkg that had the bluetooth, the power cord AND a car charger.

and Rudy has had bluetooth for a long time. He is probably sick of me saying "huh?" and/or "what?" when we talk. Now at least the playing field is even in that respect. heh!

~ b

Rudy said...


did you say something?