- 0530 my phone rings. I don't pick it up because I am confused. I was sleeping and it took me a few to figure out that it wasn't my alarm for one thing. Once I figure its not the alarm it has stopped ringing anyways. I still have time to sleep. But of course I can't now because I should get up and go see what nutcase is phoning me this early in the morning. I get up and stumble out to the phone that has the caller ID and discover that its not even anyone I know and they did not leave me a message. I think at the very least they should have left an apology. Its 5-freakin-30 in the morning, people. You owed me at least that much. bleh! It must be Monday.
- Once up I discover that I have a headache. Now how is that good for starting off the morning, I ask you? Well, its not. And in spite of the meds I have already ingested I still have a headache 4 hours later. WTF? It must be Monday.
- At least I remembered to set the coffeepot so I can have coffee. I go to get out the items I need to make the kids sandwich and realize that I missed a step last night. I neglected to get the sandwich roll out of the freezer. Sheesh. I dig that out and assemble the sandwich. While making the sandwich I have to fight off the cats as they both love Turkey and one of them is very partial to avocado. It's a circus in my kitchen this morning. Plus, in spite of the fact that I did indeed set the coffeepot I still haven't poured a cup of coffee yet. It must be Monday.
- I finally get coffee, get the kid moving and the morning seems to be settling down. Well, until it is time to head out and I go to close the front door {I open it in the mornings first thing so that the kitties can get air and dream of catching the birds that fly nearby} and am greeted with a lovely display of cat hurl and ants. SHIT! Now how is this good? I clean that up quick and spray and head out the door with the kid. It must be Monday.
- After dropping the kid I head back and settle in with a fresh cup of coffee to check emails and all is well until I get a series of frantic txts from the kid. GAH! Seems that the asshole formerly known as his English teacher wants the daily quotes from the ENTIRE year turned in today rather than just the current semester as the kid originally thought. This isn't a huge problem as we found last semesters late last night and cannibalized the cover pages from them so we didn't have to produce new ones. How silly of us. Now he is instructing me via txt exactly what he wants the new cover pages to say and exactly how to do it and then, would I please, please, please drop them at the office for him to pick up before English class. Sure, son, Sure. I don't have anything else to do nor do I mind my stress level skyrocketing so early in the morning. It's all good. Bleh! I created and printed the covers and dropped off the other quotes along with the new covers at the office. As I was heading out the door of the office he arrives to pick them up. I get a grin and a hug and a *love you, mom*. Yeah. That's gonna pay for the stress you dork. NOT! He also sent me a txt thanking me. I sent one back saying that I will now take an iced, grande nonfat honey latte, thank you very much. That child owes me. HUGE!
- I've got more but frankly I am exhausted just reading over the above and it's only 0930. It must be Monday.
- I think I will go back to bed.
*edited to add*
- I attempted to publish this to my blog @ 0930 hours but alas all that happens when I load my blog is a fancy little 502 Error page. Have I mentioned that it must be Monday????
I think it must be 5'oclock somewhere and it must be time for a drink.{maybe just add a little treat to my coffee.}
Oy! Classic attack of the monday. Or as they said in Office Space, somebody has a case of the mondays. LOL
Dr Rudy prescribes a shot of coffee liquor and a shot of baileys added to the cup of coffee followed by a nap cuz this day definitely deserves a start over.
heh, word ver is trycz - cz sparkles too doesnt it?
~ b
Cubic Zirconia
fake diamonds
Just say no to fake, honey. I don't' fake. I don't believe that my jewelry should either.
just sayin.
~ b
Just say no to fake, honey. I don't' fake. I don't believe that my jewelry should either.
:-D I aim to please darlin'
and all the jewelry came with certificates for the stones.
Only precious gems for my precious gem.
It wasn't me at 5:30, believe me!!
Sorry you are having a crappy Monday! Yikes! Cat hurl & ants just put me right off any thoughts of dinner, hehehehee,
love you, bad Monday and all
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