Wednesday, May 14

Wordless Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Oh, too funny, I almost did the same post, pouring coffee!! LOL.

I need a bigger mug please....


Rudy said...

awesome gift!

Will a Goofy mug fit under that? Will we ever find a Goofy mug?

mmmmm, morning coffee together. I miss that a lot. I can't wait for the next cup....

Anonymous said...

would you LOOK at that fancy thing! ]
nice.... very nice

Anonymous said...


I have many bigger mugs. I had to use the small one for artistic quality. Trust me. I use that teeny little cup and I need about a dozen cups of coffee at least.

That is funny that we almost did the same theme.

~ b

Anonymous said...


I believe that if we were ever to find a goofy mug it would indeed fit under the spout. {emphasis on the word "if".}

I miss our coffee times too. WTF is this whole LDR situation anyways? Sheesh! ;-)

~ b

blondie said...


It is VERY fancy and I love it. I believe that Mr. Rudy suggested this exact coffee pot to the kids @ Christmas time. Thankfully one of them {read the girl}remembered.

My old coffeepot was horrible. Seriously. The Coffee dripping out{and by dripping I mean pouring out onto the counter as fast as it is filling the cup} was horrible. Plus it left a nice coffee colour on the counter. *i roll my eyes*

Everyone who has used it has an opinion about it. LOL! My opinion is that if they hated it so much they should have gotten me this fancy one much sooner. heh heh!

Come on over. I will make you a fresh pot of decaf. {note to self. pick up decaf for T.}

~ b

Rudy said...

WTF is this whole LDR situation anyways? Sheesh!

Now, don't go giving somebody false hope. SHeessh! I have had more than enough of that.

Besides, it isn't forever LDR.

Say, have I mentioned surprises lately? hmm.....

;-) *kiss*

Rudy said...