Monday, May 12

Take a Number.


Rudy said...

Life is beautiful.

Right now on this planet there is a tremendous amount of sex going on. A lot of it without birth control. Some of it is very happy, couples celebrating their love. Some of it is anxious as couples try yet again to conceive a child. Some of it fearful due to rape or molestation. Sadly, some of it unknown because the participants are not conscious because of alcohol or drugs.

Billions and billions and billions of sperm are racing madly for the prize - the egg.

There will be successes but for one reason or another the newly formed embryo won't implant in the mother's womb. The others will be met with a mixture of feelings. Shock, horror for not even remembering the event or who the father is. Or worse, knowing who the father is - someone who should NOT be the father! There will be happiness at the physical representation of love that was shared. There will be joy as the long awaited conception occurs.

These successes though, will be in the minority. By and large there will not be any conception and for most, it will be accompanied with a sigh of relief.

So few, out of so many opportunities. Each life happens for a reason and is incredibly precious.

God bless the mothers who understood just how precious we all are and cherished us and raised us.

Anonymous said...

I am ALWAYS the next number! (-:
But usually No.1!