Thursday, May 8

13 From the Darkside.

Thirteen Essentials for a Successful LDR.
  1. trust
  2. a good cell phone plan
  3. patience
  4. reliable interwebs connection
  5. a computer
  6. never under estimating the power of a written note
  7. honesty
  8. decent digital camera
  9. forever stamps
  10. creativity
  11. instant messaging programs
  12. zip code knowledge {giggle}
  13. web cams


Rudy said...

zip code knowledge {giggle}


I HAVE the knowledge, it is just a mental block. I have been writing double digits to start my zip code for nearly 20 years. Your zip code starts with the same digit followed by double digits.

For the record, I did have it right this time and the mail was STILL delivered 3 days later than a package sent to the east coast via the same mailing method and same day.



I need to get some forever stamps too.

Other than that I got things covered :-)


Anonymous said...

gads! you two are mushy! gack roll eyes - I feel the love all the way through cyberspace.
it's just too cute.
but I LOVE it! But Rudy, I think she still might be my wife first!



Anonymous said...

Did we make you throw up a little in your mouth, T? *giggle*

As far as being your have been asking me for quite a while now. We would make a cute couple. ;-)

~ b <--- giggling

Anonymous said...

ey carumba....what am I missing here??

glad you guys are having fun!!!



Rudy said...

But Rudy, I think she still might be my wife first!

Oh, hell no, I don't think so!

there is a new line and I am at the front. heh


If you are going to cut, ya gots to pay the price ;-)

Anonymous said...

awww..lookie....they are fighting over me again. It's so good to be loved.

~ b <-- giggling and dancing away.

Anonymous said...


Rudy said...

I could offer to "wrastle" T for you blondie but then maybe I would win twice ;-)

Anonymous said...

i agree that is essential for a ldr

and it almost made me cry XD