Wednesday, April 30

Wordless Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Nice frames....


here's looking at you kid!! LOL

Rudy said...

lovely, inquisitive, intelligent eyes...

you look very much the student already

or are you just trying to figure out wtf word ver put up this time?

Anonymous said...

very librarian looking.
Thats' ALWAYS a good thing in my *books* ha ha ha!

In the words of Rudy -- I kill me!

you're up early planting wordless flowers I see!
Hope it's a good morning!

Anonymous said...

who's looking at whom? heh.

It could very well be that I need the glasses to figure out the flipping word ver. What a pain in my ass that is lately. GAH!

and I am up early looking at people and planting wordless flowers because today the kid had a zero period class which means I gotta get him out the door much earlier. The good news is that his teacher is much impressed with him plus he is finished with all the assigned work for the semester in spite of the fact that there are still 41 days of school let so he credited him for the future days and told him to expect an *A* on his grade report. No more zero period classes! WooT!

you crack me up T. Love the play on words.

hugs to all,
~ b