Monday, April 28

Monday Measure


Anonymous said...

mmmm, 4 votes and 4 different answers.....very interesting....



wordver ksqudip

squid dip...hahahaha

Rudy said...

Hey T, how does one go from CAN keep a secret to MIGHT divulge it in less than 10 words? LOL

p.s. just showed it to Carol and she LOVED it!!!!!!!! She said Rudy, you are good!


Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Just saying Rudy, I CAN keep a secret, but I can also be bribed... but I am NOT cheap or easy so it would take a lot. heh heh heh.

Anonymous said...


Wanna go shopping at Nordy's?


~ b

Anonymous said...


yep. 4 votes. 4 dif answers. Now just to figure out who is whom.

~ b

p.s. word ver is being a bit nicer tonight.

Anonymous said...


GAH! So who HASN'T seen it? I think that might be a smaller list than who has.

I dont doubt it is fabulous. I know that K was drooling over it last night. LOL! {waves to K}

~ b

Anonymous said...

For the record, the surprise is pink and sparkly with silver involved. It has some product number that does not help me whatsoever when I google it. I hear it is worth the wait.

If I ever actually receive the surprise or figure it out I will be sure to let you all know.

TY for playing my silly blogger poll.

love to you all,
~ b