Friday, April 25

It Only takes One Drink

to get me drunk.

The trouble is,
I can't remember
if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth.

~ George F. Burns


Rudy said...

LOL great quote

14 drinks - not a cheap date :-)

since it is snowing like crazy here, I will have something warm....

Hot choco with peppermint? yes, that sounds good

Anonymous said...

jut got home from a scrap booking evening Back tomorrow for more So I will have a nice snifter of Grand Marnier - warmed up please - before bedtime ( EDT here)
Night night! (-:

Anonymous said...

oh Rudy, you're getting snow in April??? What a crazy winter you are having up in the wilds...

Finally nice and getting warm here, I'm loving it!!


Anonymous said...

Rudy has snow this weekend and left of hell, where I live, we will hit trip digits. Talk about polar opposites, eh?

It's gonna be a little warm here today. heh heh

~ blondie

Rudy said...

I got about 7" of wet, heavy snow that took power out for an hour or so last night.

It is melting fast today.

I set up a web cam so my sweetie and the boy could watch it snow ( and see the pack romp in it, malamutes loved it - go figure )