Tuesday, August 26


  1. sorry ~
  2. no ~
  3. game ~
  4. today ~
  5. due ~
  6. to ~
  7. severe ~
  8. lack ~
  9. of ~
  10. interest ~


Anonymous said...

1. sorry ~ we're closed
2. no ~ dammit!
3. game ~day!
4. today ~is the first day of the rest of your life
5. due ~date
6. to ~ do
7. severe ~acute
8. lack ~ deficiency
9. of ~ the
10. interest ~appeal
hmmm still says the same thing! sort of

no doubt moving, cleaning and painting can dull the mind. Get that Brain Age thingy working again eh?
Hope it's going well!

Rudy said...

1. sorry ~ _, so sorry
2. no ~ dice
3. game ~ day!
4. today ~ is the day
5. due ~ over_ for face time
6. to ~ California or bust
7. severe ~ lack of physical contact
8. lack ~ see above
9. of ~ course!
10. interest ~ compounded daily

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha word ver
gurbles... is that like gurgles? burbles?

nothing to do with Words today but in fact it DOES have to do with words..
And I see Rudy is taking an extra extra extra long weekend?

just askin...

Anonymous said...

1. sorry ~ _, so sorry
2.no ~ way
3. game ~ over
4. today ~ starts a new chapter
5. due ~ overdue
6. to ~ not be
7. severe ~ anger
8. lack ~ of face at all
9. of ~ nothing
10. interest ~ in others

Rudy said...


Anonymous said...

1. sorry ~ but not really
2. no ~ way, hosea
3. game ~ON
4. today ~or tomorrow, whatever,
5. due ~ date
6. to ~ YOU
7. severe ~ angst
8. lack ~ of attitude
9. of ~ this...
10. interest ~ or lack thereof

Anonymous said...

oh, that was me!
