Wednesday, August 20

Wordless Wednesday.


Lily on the Road said...

Is that one of Rudy's creations?? I know he makes lovely prayer thong things...

Please tell me it is not a microscopic picture of Ecoli.....

How's the moving going? Getting close now!!!

Anonymous said...

whoa... what IS that? I see the shadow though... very cool image.

Rudy said...

@Lily LMAO - prayer thong. That is funny. Yes, you win the prize ( I have no idea what it is though )

Very creative shot Honey!

That is a picture of a rosary I made taken, if I am not mistaken, from the bottom up while it is hanging on a nail in a wall.

That is an awesome picture babes, just awesome.

Anonymous said...

ahhh I see it now... not a weird amaebic kind of creature thingy or some bizarre thing.. not at all.
The image is even cooler than I said before... I would have like to be there as you took it... contortionist approach?