Appetizer ~
In your opinion what makes a sport a sport?
Soup ~
If wishes were horses _________.
Salad ~
What do you say, if anything, when someone sneezes?
Main Dish ~
True or False. Absence make the heart grow fonder.
Dessert ~
What book are you currently reading?
Appetizer ~
In your opinion what makes a sport a sport? it has to be physical and involve some kind of movement- ie - video game playing is NOT a sport; running and jumping over hurdles IS a sport.
Soup ~
If wishes were horses ___id' be galloping______.
Salad ~
What do you say, if anything, when someone sneezes? Na zdorovlya!
Main Dish ~
True or False. Absence make the heart grow fonder. true sometimes, but - out of sight out of mind!
Dessert ~
What book are you currently reading? The Cluttered Corpse, written by a good friend, Mary Jane Maffini http://www.maryjanemaffini.ca/
Appetizer ~
In your opinion what makes a sport a sport?
A question for olympics time :-) I consider it a sport if there are absolute, objectively measured goals in a contest between two or more individuals or teams that can be ascertained by any spectator. Examples would be races, ball games, shooting etc. In these activities something happens that can be observed by any spectator to know the state of the competition.
Things that are subjectively judged I do not consider sports. I consider them more art and performance. Examples of these would be gymnastics and figure skating. Don't get me wrong, there is no hate for these events. They are beautiful to watch and the participants are highly skilled athletes. My problem comes in the "scoring" where luck of the draw of a lenient judging panel has more to do with the final results than the actual performance itself. A prime example is the all around women's gymnastics I witnessed yesterday. The balance beam comes to mind. The chinese participant had several instances where she needed to stop and catch her balance before proceeding with her routine yet she scored very high. Other gals who performed nearly flawless routines and should have scored much higher didn't.
I think in these cases it is a matter of scoring artificially imposed on performance art for the sake of calling it a competition in which someone must be deemed the winner.
My dad says that if figure skating were really a sport they would put them all on the ice at once and the last one standing would get the medal. LMAO
Soup ~
If wishes were horses _________.
we'd be knee deep in horse apples LMAO.
Salad ~
What do you say, if anything, when someone sneezes?
gesundheit, bless you, dia lin,¡salud! often all of these at the same time otherwise according to the sneeze, two sneezes gets two of the responses etc.
Main Dish ~
True or False. Absence make the heart grow fonder.
Hmmm. I am not sure. I think this is a quaint way of saying that you don't really appreciate what you have until it is missing. In that regard it is true. The absence of a lover makes the yearning all the more keenly felt. However, living where I do where a large percent of the population is employed in the oil industry and fishing and spouses etc are gone far away to work 50% of the time or more I would have to say false. It takes a special type of temperment to deal with the constant absences and the divorce rate is very high among that group of people. There was a research paper in psychology written up here that labeled it the slope syndrome.
Dessert ~
What book are you currently reading?
I am listening to the tales of Narnia on my commute. I am on the final book "The Last Battle". This one is performed by Patrick Stewart. They are all very well done and highly recommended. Other than that I have a book mark in a Batman novel called "Fear Itself" and another in a Tom Clancy NetForce novel called "CyberNation"
gee if I'd realized it was essay writing week, I'd have put way more work into my responses on the sport question and also on avsence fonder bit.
Is the Blonde assigning grades this weeK? Did I miss that memo?
Very thoughtful Rudy. I think I am with you on the sports thing, even though my girls were divers - I took them out of the programme because the parents were as bad as the hockey dads - ie seriously competative and the coaching was not as I would have liked - preferential treatment of some divers, no coaching clinics or development, the endless fundraising for competitions.. and on and on. I have a poster of Patrick Stewart in my office! sigh....
LMAO I just remembered a Spooner cartoon where he is driving home and on the radio is commercial about hair and attractiveness. The last panel in the cartoon shows Roxie coming out of the house to greet him and he is sitting in the car gripping the steering wheel and repeating Anthony Edwards, Patrick Stewart, Sean Connery, Anthony Edwards, Patrick Stewart....
essay day, that is just a polite way of saying I am long winded isn't it? LOL
naw... not long winded at all... thoughtful is more like it.
Very thoughtfull Rudy! I still love that picture!
I've gotts nuth,n to add....LOL.
Have a great weekend B, happy packing....
Appetizer ~
In your opinion what makes a sport a sport?
Healthy competition is striving to do your best.
Soup ~
If wishes were horses _________.
In the words of Kramer... Giddyup! (LOL)
Salad ~
What do you say, if anything, when someone sneezes?
"Bless you"
Main Dish ~
True or False. Absence make the heart grow fonder.
If you're fond in the first place, yes. If not then absence makes the blood pressure go WAY down (LMAO!)
Dessert ~
What book are you currently reading?
"Speed of Trust" by Steven Covey, and "Consulting from the Inside" by several people
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